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An interesting article on benchmarks that shows Dart is by no means the fastest but holds its own fine among the major languages. I have an implementation of the 1brc that I need to share. Sadly in that case the best I could get was as fast as Java single threaded. #DartLang #flutter #programming #benchmarks
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Having come up with Java since its humble beginnings, I’m still shocked to see its fastest at anything. I guess several decades of dedicated development will do that.
in reply to Brad Koehn ☑️

Oh its not fastest at all in the 1brc. There are some other language implementations that are going much faster, like the C one in 2 seconds. But JIT really lets languages hold their own. Most of them though are breaking through the floor with concurrency, which Dart makes very hard to do because it using the Isolates idiom from Erlang. I don't expect Dart to be the fastest but I was surprised that even in single core mode with all the stops out I couldn't get it faster than I did. That's especially true with tight loops like when I benchmarked it with DeltaBlue. I'm thinking of doing a blog post around it (added to the long list of blog posts ideas I have data/notes on LOL).

in reply to Hank G ☑️

We tend to do our slow code in Python and fast in C or C++ (I claim that the latter, properly used, is faster than C because of potential better use of processor caches.)

But we've found that to make code really fast one needs to pay attention to things like page faulting, processor and interrupt affinity, and (on Intel processors) being scrupulous about avoiding floating point.