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The reason there’s no pushback from the #GOP on #public #school #shooting is that they don’t believe in #PublicSchools.

Every time it happen the perception increases that public school is unsafe. It increases the likelihood that #parents will #homeschool. And the GOP is all about shifting the #burden of #education entirely on parents.

Each shooting is analogous to murdering #socialized education.

The kids are just collateral damage to their goal.

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in reply to Leftist Lawyer

School = education and curiosity, both are a threat to the church and the oligarchy

Ang Black reshared this.

in reply to Mickrob9777

@Mickrob9777 There is a frightening amount of people out there who think that the dumber you are, the better off you are.
in reply to JohnW

Don’t know how dumb/smart people actually are but they’ve been programmed to accept the most egregious crimes by those in power.

All this hatred towards the trans community? How many in the clergy have committed actual crimes against children and yet still they pray

It’s all programming

🙉🙈🙊 Hear no, see no, speak no

Those in power rely on this mantra
in reply to Mickrob9777

If all the children are home schooled, one parent is likely going to need to become a full time Stay At Home Parent. Most GOP folks are going to say that parent should be the mom.

It's a round about way to enforce patriarchy.
Unknown parent

It's probably not news that the GOP will gleefully sacrifice their own for the meanest advantage.
Unknown parent

@Mickrob9777 Could be. I live in a rural area of CO, quite red (at least it used to be). I've seen some things...
Unknown parent

@Mickrob9777 Ok I can see that. Is this a case of average to sub-par intelligence which they still overestimate?
in reply to Leftist Lawyer

Public schooling was first introduced as the industrial revolution shifted swathes of the population away from the home and into factory work, with a resulting explosion in illiteracy & innumeracy among children separated from their parents for much of the day. They don't want the burden of educating children to fall to their parents.. they want a vast uneducated underclass unable to contradict their social superiors
in reply to Leftist Lawyer

No, they want #HomeSchooling to evolve* into an uncontrolled campaign of #ChristianNationalist indoctrination.

That's why they accuse #PublicSchools of #Indoctrination and #Grooming.

*It's mostly there. We home schooled and the biggest challenge was vetting the materials being pushed.
Unknown parent

Mark W. Alexander
That, seemingly, fell short of addressing a possibly non-conforming student.

Conformance is control when the demand is to conform to unforgiving expectations.
in reply to Leftist Lawyer

while I agree with all that, the most recent one was a private church-run school. They believe in those.
in reply to Leftist Lawyer

This doesn't surprise me coming from the GOP. It's concerning though, because many parents shouldn't be parents...

in reply to Leftist Lawyer

Kids are “collateral damage” to ALL of their goals, policies, methods:
Cut SNAP benefits & all other food assistance
Cut school meals
Fight every attempt to provide health care subsidies and lower Rx costs
Fight maternal health care at every stage, but also fight termination rights
Fight vaccination and public health program implementation
Prevent any movement on legislation for child care assistance
Fight parental disability programs, thus hurting kids
in reply to CynBlogger™️

@cynblogger @donmelton "pro"-life

you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
in reply to Leftist Lawyer

So why, then, don't they publicly announce what their plans are, and what they are going to do, if they think it is in favor and within the interests of people???

Do they lack such intellectual honesty, to express what they truly are going to do, and are hiding malicious contempts?!
in reply to Leftist Lawyer

The alleged claim conveys dangerous outcomes, if actually true ! - on various complex levels and dimensions - if not communicated to the people beforehand.

Why do they not propose a measure to, at least, repay those who choose to home school instead of putting their kids in public schools, and offer repayment in some sorts in order to compensate them for what was lost to them in public money rights and favors - lest they also want to capitalize on that too !!
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Avenger

@Avenger @Leftist Lawyer That what the charter school movement is about and school vouchers. that and making sure they can have defacto segregation
in reply to Leftist Lawyer

Which is like what they do !!!

If a public school has a certain amount of budget that is passed on to it, to compensate for the upkeep (maintenance, staff, innovation projects, supply, etc..), then truly !!! - if they do sway people away from putting their kids in public schools, they will not only serve themselves by cutting back on the yearly budgets ordained for public schools - but also, they will be able to steal people's public money rights, and be unnoticed !!!