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The word "woke" is so funny to me. In the past people would at least come up with some half-assed flimsy explanation for why something was bad, now they're too lazy to even do that. Instead they made a catch all term for "I don't like this thing, but I don't have any logically coherent reason why, instead I'm just going to call it this word that means nothing and let everyone come up with their own reasoning"
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in reply to Marcus Hutchins :verified:

And, of course, the opposite of "woke" is "asleep". So the "unwoke" are sleepwalking into something they'll probably like even less...
in reply to Marcus Hutchins :verified:

I made this userscript that replaces the word with a random phrase and it's been fun seeing the results (2nd one listed)
in reply to Marcus Hutchins :verified:

It's worse than that. The word "woke" DOES have a meaning from Black slang, roughly "socially aware/conscious".

It's not just using a made-up word, it's deliberate re-appropriation of an actual word from a culture that the folks using it are trying to assert superiority over. Classic fascist tactic.
in reply to Marcus Hutchins :verified:

Want to have fun? Just try to get people on different sides of the definition(s) of "woke" and ask them if they can come up with a mutually agreeable definition.

If someone who attacks "wokism" can't define it in a way the other side accepts, how can they possibly deny creating a strawman?
in reply to Marcus Hutchins :verified:

Exactly the same as politically correct. Exactly the same as socialism.

The right have a long history of refusing to define what it is they dislike, because it turns out that people tend to like or agree with those ideas when spelled out.

Everything I don't like is socialism. Everything I don't like is political correctness. Everything I don't like is woke.
in reply to Marcus Hutchins :verified:

I hate that usage of that word and refuse to use it for anything other than it’s original meaning (ie, “I woke up at 5 this morning”).
in reply to Marcus Hutchins :verified:

a word that used to mean something, then the conservatives came and completely sucked it of all meaning until the original meaning was forgotten to time

a tragedy, really
in reply to Marcus Hutchins :verified:

My parents have injected “woke”
into their vernacular now and it got really old really quick. They are also Repubs because “muh money.” I wish I could say they are decent people (they do love me and know not to force their beliefs on me), but their politics absolutely disgust me. It makes for interesting family gatherings.
in reply to Marcus Hutchins :verified:

if you just mentally replace it with the vilest slur you can think of for black or trans people it improves the clarity of the speaker’s communication about 75% of the time. It seems like a new idea but once you do that you realize that it’s right at home with any overt racist’s talking points in the 1950s, word for word. This does, unfortunately, make it less funny
in reply to Marcus Hutchins :verified:

I don’t see how that’s any different than derogatorily calling something “communist” or “gay”
in reply to Marcus Hutchins :verified:

And asking "What does 'woke' mean?" results in either stammers or nothing at all. The term is so stupid.
in reply to Marcus Hutchins :verified:

just like the terms 'far right' and 'misinformation/disinformation' are regularly thrown around by leftists to smear and put down those that they disagree with, and to justify censorship and violence against them
in reply to jcypher

@jcypher Oh cool, Mastodon has troll bots now too. Twitter really is in decline!
in reply to Marcus Hutchins :verified: