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It seems like some are getting confused about the purpose of this account. We are the official Fox News™ :verified: account on the official Mastodon Network™. We post #fox news.
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in reply to bronzefeathers

@femIcarus Foxes adapt very well to different environments, so probably!

Just as long as there aren't too many foxes in a single place. #fox
in reply to Fox News :verified:​:verified:

I'm not sure where the confusion would come from. "Fox News" is a pretty straightforward name.

This is giving me inspiration for a new dystopian novel.

How's this for a plot: Fox News starts out as a simple fox-related outlet, then spins out of control to turn into a crazy propaganda network (many of whose members are controlled by a foreign government) while controlling the gullible population of the country from which they operate.

On second thought, maybe that's too farfetched.