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Setting aside the adolescent histrionics, this is a good look at how a business with a dominant position destroys itself from within.

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in reply to Brad Koehn ☑️

This was the best read of the year. Explains everything in the last several years
in reply to Brad Koehn ☑️

Wow. I read that to the soundtrack of axes grinding. I also seemed to have read it four or five times, because the author repeats himself so much.

If anybody asks me what 'polemic' means, I'll send them the link. Although I did enjoy the phrase 'computer scientist class traitor'.

He certainly has some personal animus for Raghavan (of whom I'd never heard until now). Any idea how accurate his thesis is?

in reply to Brad Koehn ☑️

I can’t verify any of it. It jibes with what I’ve seen happen at other market-dominators: once you’re at the top and the market is completely saturated, the only way to increase earnings is to decrease quality.

If, as a leader of a business in a fully saturated market, you make increased earnings the priority, you’re guaranteeing the outcome, even if you’re not directly aware of the decisions of your team.