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in reply to Joyce Donahue

@Diane A I believe you are correct. Gaming the system is all they have in the absence of actual votes.
in reply to Joyce Donahue

And, in 2016, all that bad stuff about Hillary was coming from Russia.
in reply to Joyce Donahue

Sorry that's a conspiracy theory. "Russiagate" didn't happen.
in reply to Joyce Donahue

@Emmanuel Florac that's funny, because David Pecker just testified that it DID happen and wasn't a "conspiracy theory"
in reply to Joyce Donahue

No sorry @Emmanuel Florac Russia clearly and intentionally attempted to influence the election....and did....we may never know how deep it went but I suggest we put Trumps wee pecker and balls in a vice til we find out!
in reply to Joyce Donahue

@Kenny Chaffin of course they interfered, but to say that Russia did alter the election enough to put Trump in power isn't real. It simply can't be, Russia has less influence on US elections than Facebook, even. Your political system is broken, bu not that broken.
in reply to Joyce Donahue

Here's a more interesting take on Trump, thanks to John McWorther :
in reply to Joyce Donahue

DJT doesn't think in terms of right/wrong. He'd do all of the above and more if he got money/prestige out of the deal.