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The warning Anne Frank offers us about Trump

We live in an America where far too many people don’t believe “it” can happen here. That “it” is an American form of fascism ushered in by Trump and his MAGA movement. That means far too many Americans are not paying attention to what Trump is promising his supporters he will do if he wins, including his repeated vow to “liberate our country” from those he views as political enemies. (And yes, that is LITERALLY what Trump has been promising his supporters—and they love it.)

#Trumpism #Fascism #Authoritarianism

in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

The lesson from Anne Frank’s family is that you must take Trump’s rhetoric literally. His supporters do. And if Trump wins, he will believe he has a mandate to “liberate” all who oppose him from this nation. What that will look like is unclear. But given Trump’s affinity for Hitler, history warns us of what he—and his MAGA supporters--may do.
in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

People in Germany wrote off Hitler's extreme language as grandstanding for his supporters. Sound familiar?
in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

I've been screaming about this for years: It Can't Happen Here / He Can't Do That.

Yes, it can happen here. We had a fucking insurrectionist riot where participants threatened to hang the Vice President.

Yes, he can and will do things he should not. He ignored the Emoluments Clause and made $8.5 million dollars during his term in office. He stole hundreds of classified documents and then directed his attorneys to lie about it.

Why does anyone think there's an honest, aboveboard version of DJT hiding under a desk somewhere?

in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

@Bob Lai

Why does anyone think there’s an honest, aboveboard version of DJT hiding under a desk somewhere?

I truly do not understand that.

in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

A colleague once interviewed Bill Clinton, and remarked afterwards about how charming he was. He knew her name, what station she was from, shook her hand (not a knuckle buster like Tough Guy Donny likes to offer), and looked her in the eye.

A scowling, pucker-lipped, tantrum-throwing baby who sounds like he's spent the last forty years of his life yelling? A man who is clearly not that bright, and has no interest in the arts/humanities? (Seriously, the annual Kennedy Center Honors are a ready-made feel-good PR opportunity for any president – you get to honor some of America's finest musicians and artists ... if not you, what about your VP? What about your worthless scions? Nobody could be bothered? None of it interests you?)