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#Maddow was at the courthouse today:

"#Trump seems old and tired and mad"

"He seems annoyed. Resigned, maybe angry. He seems like a man who is miserable to be here."

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in reply to Laffy

So many of us felt old and tired and mad during the four years he was President.

Turnabout is fair play.

Laffy reshared this.

in reply to Laffy

Heard this just now on the MSNBC audio feed. It made my heart sing.
in reply to Laffy


I think that's why he closes his eyes often. To shut out the misery before him.

in reply to IAmNotANumber😷:maple:🇮🇱🌻

@JaneDoeTheFirst I was feeling a bit flat and depressed today, until I heard that Trump is miserable. Thanks for cheering me up! 🙂
in reply to Timotei

After all the doom and gloom, it's a nice feeling, isn't it? 🥳 🎉 🎈 :dance_cool_doge:
in reply to IAmNotANumber😷:maple:🇮🇱🌻

@JaneDoeTheFirst Absolutely. .. though, I have to be honest, he's still not miserable enough to satisfy me, he has a long way to go. 🤞

reshared this

in reply to Laffy

NFL Considering the misery he has and is causing around the world, good.
in reply to Laffy

Trump 100% believes that he doesn’t belong there. Cut from the same cloth as Leona “Taxes are for the little people” Helmsley & to a lesser extent George H.W. “Wow that’s a barcode scanner!?” Bush, this echelon of wealth hoarders is so insulated by their coterie that they believe their own hype: they’re above all the rest of us. See also: Musk, Bezos et al. It’s a dangerous aspect of wealth inequality that will lead to our downfall as a species if we don’t get our shit together.
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in reply to Molly Cantrell-Kraig ✅

@mckra1g But not Mark Cuban. He made a point to rub it in Trump's face that he's paying millions in taxes this year
in reply to Laffy

in that particular instance, hoarding doesn’t apply, as he willingly pays the taxes in accordance with his wealth.
in reply to Laffy

This is the first time in his life that he can't control the narrative and it's beating him down. He tries desperately to change it with his diatribes entering and leaving the courtroom, but it's nothing but incoherent rambling. The desperation is palpable.
in reply to Laffy

Whenever anyone has tried to fact-check him in real time, he'd always interrupt and just talk over them, veering off to something else, constantly changing the subject. Now, it's a preemptive fact-checking in court, and he can't interrupt to divert attention away from those facts. That's what makes this so delightful.
in reply to Laffy

my ultimate wish for the whole Trump mess is for him to redeem himself.
Anything’s possible!
If he would admit he’s an extremely flawed individual who has broken the law… accept his consequences & do what he could to repair the damages-
Better than any revenge or retaliation, imo
in reply to RiaResists

@RiaResists Boyoboy do I disagree.

He would NEVER do that.

And that's why I don't wish it.

in reply to Laffy

I’m not saying it’ll happen, only that it would be the ultimate outcome- imo.
He’s least likely to ever even consider accepting responsibility.
But, anything is possible.
I’m not waiting around for it to happen, tho.
in reply to RiaResists

@RiaResists That is not possible.

Do you remember when he finally publicly stated that Obama's birth certificate was real?

It was begrudging and then he did his usual Trump stuff afterwards.

in reply to Laffy

it’s a tiny possibility 🙂
I’m not waiting for it to happen bc come on….. 😂
in reply to Laffy

he doesn't know misery just yet.

I'm looking forward to the day he's marched out of the sentencing hearing in cuffs.

in reply to Laffy

Surely it would have seemed a little weird if he looked happy to be there.
in reply to MacCruiskeen

@maccruiskeen That's not what she was saying though. Nobody looks happy to be there.
in reply to Laffy

I can't think of anyone who would enjoy being prosecuted. Not even if they were actually innocent.
in reply to David Frew

@Dr_Von2 She wasn't suggesting he should enjoy it. Some people look alert, interested, animated, engaged.
in reply to Laffy

He is mad, old, miserable, tired and sleepy 🥱 Don. 😊
in reply to Laffy

everything about him is façade. He is now playing the pathetic old man being victimized by the corrupt government. It’s probably why none of his family members are there, it’s part of the act. #TrumpTrial
in reply to Laffy

Huh. I’m miserable he’s still here, too! 😡

I’m gonna enjoy my Schadenfreude, while I can.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)