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there are D.C. scum calling #StudentSpring "pro-HAMAS protests". the minute anybody in the #Biden admin parrots that shit, all bets are off with #Democrats.

so all liberals on here screaming #VoteBlue no matter who, y'all better get your asses in gear and tell every single person in the White House to drop that shit immediately.

am not some magical Cassandra. i have +30 years experience with the treachery of Democrats against antiwar activists.

don't wanna lose in November? PAY ATTENTION.

in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

this is the garbage just published at The Hill (honestly, it's the only reason i keep an eye on these fuckers).

i cannot stress enough how the craven warmongering neoliberals in the Democratic party will latch on to fascist propaganda like this and start parroting it everywhere.


if you are Jewish, or an alumni of any of the #StudentSpring universities, it is imperative that we call Alumni Relations and the offices of the provosts to voice our support.

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in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

am calling NYU tomorrow

help me make a list of all #StudentSpring universities:

U of Texas

where else? [Updates below]

U of Michigan
U of So. California
U of New Mexico
UC Berkeley
New School
Emerson Coll.
Cali State Poly - Humbolt
U of Minnesota
UNC - Charlotte
U of Pittsburgh
U of Rochester
U of So. Florida
Pomona Coll.
Pitzer Coll.
U Penn

Uni of British Columbia

#BDS #protests #solidarity

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in reply to Mike Blake

@mikeblake this needs to spread and go everywhere. We need a #GeneralStrike at the very least, refusal to participate in any part of society until there is a ceasefire and (at the very least) a recognized Palestinian state with sovereignty from Israel and (at best, hopefully) an entire autonomous SWANA region with no states and no land ownership by *anyone* because the land belongs to everyone AND no one at the same time

Mike Blake reshared this.

in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

It SHOULD be in most public universities but I think a decade or so of violent militarized police may have had the intended toll. The #BLM protests sure were slammed down. As were the #WaterIsLife protests.

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in reply to Ivey Janette McClelland

@IveyJanette Yes! When the full force hit Occupy I was crushed. It had been the first time in years I thought the youth finally could rise up again. The military overkill is a juggernaut of authoritarian evil no matter who is in political power.

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in reply to cobalt

@cobalt @IveyJanette yes.
Part of the falling of the #Occupy movement was it wasn’t well defined.
That was my first activism of the millennia. Besides the on-going environmental action
in reply to cobalt

FWIW @cobalt @IveyJanette the semesters at CUNY & SUNY are different from all the private colleges here in NYC.

Barnard, Columbia, NYU, The New School: they all are wrapping up the semester. most students are writing papers or getting ready for graduation. April is kinda "lame duck" month.

CUNY & SUNY's semester goes into the end of June. they'll likely be the second wave of protests.

i taught at both NYU & CUNY & sons went to SUNY. the #StudentSpring logistics seem well thought out.

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in reply to cobalt

Occupy wasn’t for nothing. I listen to the Dig Radio podcast and they have had many awesome guests whose experience was guided by Occupy and were teaching others what they learned then and since.

Edit: here’s a description and link to one episode that looked at Occupy and its effects ten years later.


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in reply to cobalt

@cobalt @IveyJanette The fact that the people in power so actively and aggressively pushed this will always be a disappointment to me.
in reply to cobalt

@cobalt If I had anyone in my FB friends group who would answer this question, I might get some interesting responses to "Why did you support freedom of speech and protest for BLM but not for pro-Palestine protests?"

Yeah nobody will touch that question.

in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

I think Biden's going to keel over or decide to not run very much like LBJ. He did some good things but also ran the American war on Vietnam, the parallels are there.

I hope Trump precedes Biden though.

I hope there is a miracle and Dr West wins.

in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

I think it was Cal Poly - Humboldt, not Humboldt State. Though things are changing day to day.
in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

A local source, Siemens Hall at Cal Poly - Humboldt. I thought it was HSU misindentified - but the current reporting is about Cal Poly - Humboldt.
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in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

CONFIRMED #StudentSpring UNIS:

CUNY City College
The New School

Cal State Polytechnic - Humboldt
Cal State - Long Beach
Cal State - Los Angeles
Evergreen State College - Olympia WA
Florida international University - Miami
Ohio State University - Columbus
Portland State
Texas A&M - College Station


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in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

CONFIRMED #StudentSpring UNIS:

U of AZ Tucson
U of CA Berkeley
U of Houston
U of MD College Park
U of MI Ann Arbor
U of MN Minneapolis
U of NC Chapel Hill
U of NC Charlotte
U of NM Albuquerque
U of NV Las Vegas
U of Pittsburgh
U of Puget Sound
U of Rochester
U of So California
U of TX - Austin
U of TX at Dallas
UCLA Villanova

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in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

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in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦


NYU's Office of the President
Linda Mills

talked to an office assistant. alumni are calling but seems a trickle.

they asked my name, class of & degree. i
gave them a TL;DR:

1. am livid an #antiwar movement organized with Jewish students leading the way is vilified as pro-HAMAS & antisemitic.

2. disappointed Pres. Mills parroted those talking points.

3. demanding a #ceasefire to save civilians is not controversial.


in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

Hubs is an Aggie. Boy, THAT is actually shocking. Went to high school in the same town. Sooooper maga whackjobs but with money.
in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

hoping to expose this soon, Uni of British Columbia is apparently actively suppressing faculty, the student union, anti-war groups on campus from even expressing their own views on their own personal SoMe accounts - threatening potential disciplinary actions

We saw Admins lose the plot over Covid, and they have completely abrogated their duties of inclusion and academic freedom over campus Gaza protests

It's truly mind blowing - all this does is create a win for the fascists

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in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

I'm Jewish (though mom is a Mayflower goy), _and_ a Brown alum; will be calling the alumni office tomorrow to oppose punitive action against students protesting genocide

Have any pointers to a script?

Am feeling like it might be counterproductive to splutter something like "you must be some kind of monster for even CONSIDERING punishing students for opposing genocide"

in reply to Jeremy Kahn

"Have any pointers to a script?"

1. state your name clearly, year of graduation & department

2. tell them you stand in solidarity with the students.

3. say why: in my case? what i have said all along: the right to self-defense is not a right to commit #genocide. focus on one or two points. keep it simple.

4. write it down to make it easier on you. don't make it longer than a toot. they will be inundated with calls.

5. email and letters are also good. use any media.



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in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

Your daily reminder that the owner and chief donor of The Hill is a devout conservative Democrat, a billionaire hedge fund trader, and a staunch right-wing Zionist. Of course, he's charging in front of the "Protect defenseless right-wing Zionist Jews by siccing the cops on 'Hamas terrorist Far Left protestors'" brigade.
in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

FDD is an Israeli org. Just another AIPAC. But you are 💯. If Dems start with this bullshit, it will cost them.
in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

you & I are similar!
I find “The Hill” & other pubs useful to keep outside of certain silos.

My hubby & his family are U〽️ alumni & huge supporters.
We both worked for The Ann Arbor News…which we desperately miss(local News plug)…but the #newhouse billionaire goons took care of that.

Liberal & Independents #alumni should be heard on this question.
#biden is putting this country’s #democrary in danger w/policies on 🇮🇱 & 🇵🇸
Not groups of college kids standing up for #peace.

in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

There seems to be a very clear media communication strategy they're using in calling them "Pro-Palestine" and bringing up antisemitism as much as they possibly can. Not only have they already lost a lot of the youth vote for their support of genocide, but they stand to lose a lot more if they continue with this routine and crack down on non-violent student protestors occupying their own university space.
in reply to Infoseepage #StopGazaGenocide

The whole "vote for Biden or you'll get fascism" thing only works if the alternative isn't also fascist.
in reply to Infoseepage #StopGazaGenocide

There is mediocre democracy with a hint of fascism and then there is full power Handmaid's Tale with jackbooted fascism.

Those are the two choices you get. Don't vote or vote third party and you get the 2nd option.

Live in reality.

@Infoseepage @blogdiva

in reply to Zagone

@zagone @Infoseepage
In reality, the good cop makes damn sure the bad cop is always looming nearby so he looks better.

People like Biden GAVE US Trump, on purpose, to keep us trapped in this position and hold our votes hostage. Much more of this shit and you'll find yourself saying, "Vote Satan or Cthulhu will win!"

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in reply to violetmadder

Sorry but I am pretty sure that Hitler Pig was elected because people were too stupid to understand they should listen to Hillary Clinton.
in reply to Woke Jezebel

@palin @violetmadder


They're all Nazi

And I'm just trying to remember what's the name perhaps you can help me.. what's the name of the candidate that encouraged Trump to run? Can you remember that name?


in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

I have read some people parroting precisely that in this very app no long ago.

I mean that protests against the genocide in Palestine are "pro-Hamas".

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in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

They seem pretty hell-bent on losing. They think they're going to be able to force a trade: progressives for Fox News but not OAN Conservatives.

Good fucking luck with that.

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in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

the protests might not be „pro Hamas“ in their majority, but there are pro Hamas protestors and calling any criticism of that fact „facist“ will not help the two state solution
in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

well, outcome of ArabSpring were quite mixed actually if not mostly negative eventually, good luck to your spring in the US, civil war will be a nice way out. rest of us in global south will be watching.
in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

Here, here!

This #michigan voter…voted #undecided in our state primary!
We stand with/our family & neighbors.
When you grow up in a college town…regardless if you go to school there, you carry that Uni’s history. Good & bad.
A kid of hippies, who participated in protests on that campus…who protested #apartheid there…
I’m“pissed” at UofM prez #santaono

In MI, & I assume elsewhere, college #regents are elected!
Some up for office this Nov. shall we drop a line?

in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

You're a liar, Democrat will not used the words vote blue no matter who? Democratic party will always remind voters that the choice is clear in reelecting #PresidentBiden

PS:) Are you telling the world that no pro-Hamas protesters are not actively protesting against Israel? and attacking Jews?

in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

All you far-left craizies do is continue too attack #PresidentBiden & Democrats with threats of not voting or worse when Trump project 2025 plan for protest if he return to the White House they're will be no protest and will direct his Nazis to shot and killed, So how will that help your so-called free-Palestine cause with your threats against Democrats.our democracy will not survive with Trump.Just stop please!!!
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in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

this is a great strategy … for eroding voter enthusiasm and support especially among young voters who, oh btw, are a very politically active generation. My oldest is participating in these protests. His thoughts on Democrats and Biden right now are not great.
in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

There are plenty of "lefties" right here on Mastodon saying that same shit that anyone protesting against genocide is pro-Hamas. I swear I feel like I'm back on Xitter again!