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Before jumping to conclusions, wait for facts. And FFS, please don't wish death on people, at least not in my feed. Thank you.

CNN: "Investigators are now fanning out to collect the flyers the unknown man threw into the air, another senior law enforcement official. A CNN team on the ground observed one of the flyers. It said "NYU is a mob front" and had various allegations of wrongdoings against the school"
👆🏼h/t: @deborahh

in reply to Laffy

So I googled the NYU thing...


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Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to T.Wllms

@tdwllms1 Is that supposed to be him? He went way down the rabbit hole.
in reply to Kevin


Now Newsweek has now reported this manifesto...

@GottaLaff @deborahh

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in reply to T.Wllms


I keep trying to make sense of this as an analogue of the Buddhist monks who self-immolated in Saigon, during the Diem regime. But the manifesto defeats that analogy. As another commenter put it, this was 'down the rabbit hole.'

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in reply to Stu Duerson, machina exo deus


were you on newsvine by chance under skydog?

ya... this is down the rabbit hole..

but this is his comment...

This extreme act of protest is to draw attention to an urgent and important discovery:

We are victims of a totalitarian con, and our own government (along with many of their allies) is about to hit us with an apocalyptic fascist world coup.

@kevin @GottaLaff @deborahh

in reply to T.Wllms

@tdwllms1 @kevin

I was originally on Newsvine, under skydog. They closed.
Next, I was on Twitter, first under skydog, but then 'guy in the chalk outline'. Musk kicked me off w/in 48 hrs of buying it, and now, I understand, one of his stans is running under 'guy in the chalk outline.' I've little doubt that one of the Elona Lumpas has also assumed skydog as a moniker.

If you followed Angry Staffer, you probably saw a lot of me. We had something close to a dialogue.

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in reply to Stu Duerson, machina exo deus


Yep.. I remember.. we all scattered... I went to a couple places and X.. I was TinStl.. hung out with Rico and Bob and Lefty... few others, Deb... many folks went to Newstalkers... now here..

@kevin @GottaLaff @deborahh

in reply to Laffy


Let’s remain human! Wishing death on anyone is not a good look. 😬

in reply to Laffy

Wishing death on people is going too far almost always, wanting justice to be served? That is different.

Only one exception I know of to the above, if you commit insurrection, according to the constitution the penalty is supposedly death but even then, wishing death isn't needed nor helpful.

Only persons who I can think of that fit that bill is trump and other likewise people.

Jan 6 was such a nutty moment,

in reply to Laffy

That does make sense, its expensive, tormenting, due to how its done and moreover, people suffer even due to how long they are on death row. Some would care a lot less I am sure if it was done within a few months after being put there.

I say mostly no except:

I would ponder enforcing it here, because nazis spread trouble as long as they live more often than not.

I don't want them to create more "hitler" clones.

But then again, it might not always be that simple.

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in reply to Laffy

Well well, a Newsvine reunion. Veteran checking in. ❤

But on the subject at hand, and speaking of rabbitholes, this day is also the anniversary of the OKC Bombing by McVey & Nichols, whom I daresay went down that same rabbithole before Max did. Kismet somehow that it's also the day that the entire jury plus alternates got seated for Trump's Waterloo....and the day BoingBoing reported that, when Trump dozes off, he also FARTs, honored by the Freedom Caucus renaming themselves with a name whose acronym is FART.

Kismet Day indeed.

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in reply to Laffy

I don’t think this man was in any position to understand the scope of his actions. This is a flashing sign for improved mental health outcomes and resources.

Consequently, having never been burned badly myself I have no concept of the suffering this man now must experience but I’ve heard it’s unimaginable.

I hope for the most painless outcome possible.