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Oh my! The hellish possibilities we face if Trump wins

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in reply to Joyce Donahue

The media and the Democrats have been playing, 'It Can't Happen Here' / 'He Can't Do That!' since he was elected.

Wake the f--k up.

He stole classified documents. He lied about doing so. He may have sold information to foreign nations.

He withdrew from the Paris Climate Accords, the JCPOA on Iran, and the INF Treaty with Russia. He's threatened to withdraw from NATO and/or abandon our NATO allies because 'they owe us money' (they don't, and never have).

His inaction led to a pandemic.

He incited an insurrectionist riot.

He's bragged about excluding ethnic and religious minorities, building a wall, declared critics 'enemies of the state/people,' made clear that he will seek revenge by appointing loyalists to the DOJ (but whines incessantly about how the DOJ was weaponized and used to persecute him).

His cognitive health has visibly declined over the past eight years. He can't speak in a complete sentence. (He practically can't even manage jumbled fragments.)

And y'all still think this doesn't have DISASTER written all over it?

in reply to Joyce Donahue

He needs to find himself on the other side of the Russian mafia. I have come to believe that's the only way he can be stopped. The US is obviously not up to the task.
in reply to Joyce Donahue

Oh, the LAW is there. The SYSTEMS are there. The PRISONS are there.

We just gotta wade through the idiots who think he's a little boy who deserves a second chance.

in reply to Joyce Donahue

It's a delicate balance. Given Trump's ~~popularity~~ cult following, along with his penchant for turning everything into an "unfair attack" on himself, the judicial system needs to be damned sure that he has zero grounds whatsoever for ever claiming that anything was not done by the book. This is causing them to be overly deferential to him. It may well turn out that the necessary deference is so great that, as a practical matter, he can never be convicted (especially given that the justice system's deference is up against Trump's utter contempt for the law: It's the unfairest of unfair fights).

This is why the Russian mafia needs to be convinced that Trump is more a liability than an asset.

in reply to Joyce Donahue

That's because he and the MAGA republicans are very clearly Russian assets.