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Doing both my first long (for me) ride (45 minutes) and then kicking off my new weight training program with the required fitness level assessment is really kicking my ass today. Good thing it is a holiday so will be shoveling in some extra food later today :) #fitness #health #lifting #cycling #peloton
in reply to Hank G ☑️

This is always the problem with cranking up the distance in cycling: you're so hungry you end up eating more than you burn.
in reply to smellsofbikes

I’m hyper focused on daily calorie balances and nutrient requirements right so that shouldn’t happen. You are right though that it is a common problem. I always say it is always possible to out spend your income and out eat your metabolism.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

As you age, it does get harder to out exercise your appetite! But there's a challenge (for me) in trying to set up a diet plan when 4 days a week I have an extra approximately 1000 calories burnt compared to the other three.
in reply to smellsofbikes

It's been a problem for me almost my whole life. Yes it does get more difficult as we age though :). I'm shooting for a similar sort of thing but with one day a week being a cheat day instead of one every four. Ever since my first diet I've found either extra calorie days or cheat days are important for powering through a leaning out phase.