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Even when I regularly posted to Twitter and had content up there I rarely saw how fucked up so many of the users on the system were. Nosing around looking for some news follow up yesterday though it was plain as day. I'm sure if the fediverse reached that much critical mass it would be like that too. Look no further than all the crazy toxic shit on PeerTube for a bit of a hint. Sad enough of us humans have to act like sociopathic nihilistic fucks and destroy everything. Will we ever transcend our id brains such that these people don't emerge in large enough numbers to wreck anything and everything good we try to create? /rantmodeoff
in reply to Hank G ☑️

I'm happy to say that I've NEVER had a Twitter or Facebook account... and NEVER will. :)
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Yes it is frustrating! We of course don't know the going on in the minds of various posters. But the there is the opposite. Folks who rarely fail in the outreach to be uplifting and positive. Some dear souls in the Ex-JW online community were so helpful to me!
in reply to randygalbraith

It's generally never about it being most people, until you get to mob action type things. It's the small element, but large enough, that spray cat piss everywhere and do enough destruction to bring the whole thing down.
Unknown parent

Hank G ☑️
I'm doing what now?
Unknown parent

Hank G ☑️
The id isn't a problem per se. Over-indulgence of the id in too many people and systems designed to goose it is a problem. It's like our innate desire for fat and sugar rich food sources isn't a problem by itself. Overindulgence of that and creating an entire industry that abuses those mechanisms is a huge problem with huge societal effects.
Unknown parent

Hank G ☑️
Qanon conspiracy theory crap, neo-fascist right wing agitprop, Russian propaganda operations stuff, the usual crap you find in the chans. I ended up mostly using a tech-specific instance to silo myself off from the crazy which is the opposite of what I was trying to do in replacing it for my general YT viewing habits. I thought of how I'd create a proper system for doing group filtering etc. but got distracted by real work.
Unknown parent

Hank G ☑️
Yes, and my point wasn't that most people were bad it was that we keep letting small slivers who have this nihilistic fuckyouism destroy things we all generally would enjoy. The real pernicious ones are the ones that make fortunes and personal empires out of it. It's like drug dealers except we don't consider them disreputable for some reason.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

the fediverse already has all the nutty people. Gab is a mastodon instance.
in reply to paperdigits

@paperdigits Yeah but an isolated one. Same with Truth Social. The idea is that federation should mean people can self select to expose themselves to that content or not so live and let live. I doubt that will scale to a billion users especially without some moderation mechanism beyond individuals blocking individuals or server admins blocking whole obviously noxious servers.
Unknown parent

Hank G ☑️
Hucksters, con artists, etc. aren't just "rich people paying for it." They come in two bit varieties too, sadly. The internet democratized information but it also made the barrier of entry low for this crap and humans are not great at filtering that shit out when presented in medium that they for whatever reason inherently trust more. It'd be great if it was just "rich people" therefore a society without them would have no such defects. It's not. It won't. Sorry.