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Protest advice from a gramma.
First aid kit with eyewash and insta cool pack. Sanitary napkins for injuries that bleed heavily.
Protein bars.
Write your attorneys number on your body .
If you have a chronic medical condition like epilepsy or diabetes wear an alert bracelet and carry two days worth of meds.
Assume your personal property will be confiscated. Wipe your phone .
N 95 masks are dual purpose.
Practice the buddy system.
Situational awareness at all times.
Please be careful.
in reply to Catherine is Tired

I'd add, a helmet for concussion prevention. Concussions are common during many violent militarized cop assaults on activists. A bike or construction helmet is fairly affordable or easy to borrow/get for free. They help with concussion prevention at huge protests with a lot of aggressive police violence. Saying this because 2 of my former activist friends are brain injured & needing caregiving for rest of their lives, from their heads being bashed into cement & walls by cops.
in reply to Catherine is Tired

You're welcome. I've been assaulted by a lot of cops over 3 decades of activism. I want folks who care, to be as safe as possible around bully badged thugs 🙏❤️
in reply to PhoenixSerenity

@msquebanh Saw the Starvos WaveCell named on Reddit. It’s on a closeout sale for as low as $65 atm
in reply to Evan Binder 🫠 🦈❤️🚀

@evn @msquebanh sadly I’m past it. The way LEOs behave now is even more violent and I’m at an age where a hard fall would have serious consequences. I’ve got an older spouse to care for. Had to pass the torch.
in reply to Catherine is Tired

Also don’t video unless you are in a position to get away from law enforcement as in able to run and dodge. Don’t assume a crowd standing together to video is safe. Know your exit points , have a plan. Wear a hoodie , cap, and sunglasses you can throw away after you attain a relatively safe spot. Treat it like a bank robbery and have detailed contingency plans.

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