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One of my weirder and more rewarding hobbies is collecting definitions of "conservativism," and one of the jewels of that collection comes from Corey Robin's must-read book *The Reactionary Mind*:


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in reply to Cory Doctorow

Thank you. Enjoyed reading this treatise.

I fear Robin's thesis - conservative belief that minority born to rule - and the conclusion that that is the cause of their actions - might have flaws.

Most of the effects described are simply the results of (unrestricted) Capital making its way through society. Many of the fights there are simply fights against restrictions. IMO this has better explanatory power than any overarching conservative belief that a minority are born to rule.

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in reply to Cory Doctorow

That's a really good point. I would agree that deference-to-authority is a defining feature/symptom of conservatism.

However, does that necessarily point to minority-born-to-rule as a driver? And wouldn't the fight over who the ordained leaders should be, wouldn't that fight be an argument against minority-born-to-rule?

Minority-born-to-rule (in general) argues against both attempting to attain power or fighting over who the ordained leaders should be?

in reply to avi2022

There is some evidence for the minority-born-to-rule being a thing - e.g. caste systems, or other stratifications in long-term societies, but how do we differentiate that as a causal agent from an artifact or quirk of history resulting from deference to authority? For example, there are matriarchal societies that persist to this day, and other forms of hierarchical structures. Perhaps these variants were established by leaders, & then persisted through deference to authority.
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in reply to Cory Doctorow

I just checked and that ⬆️ is a wholly accurate definition of Conservatism.

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in reply to Cory Doctorow

Thanks again @pluralistic for sharing this clarifying definition: "a conservative is someone who believes that a minority of people were born to rule, and that everyone else was born to follow their rules, and that the world is in harmony when the born rulers are in charge" - Corey Robin
in reply to Cory Doctorow

Can you express that in terms of Christianity, which U. S. conservatives think they are members of.